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strong [links] Listen: UK:*UK and possibly other pronunciationsUK and possibly other pronunciations/ˈstrɒŋ/US:USA pronunciation: IPA and respellingUSA pronunciation: IPA/strɔŋ, strɑŋ/ ,USA pronunciation: respelling(strông, strong) ⓘ一个或多个论坛线程和你的搜索词完全匹配 定义 | 西班牙语 | 法语 | 英语同义词 | 英语搭配 | Conjugator [EN] | 上下文 | 图像 Inflections of 'strong' (adj): strongeradj comparative strongestadj superlative

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

主要翻译英语中文 strong adj (powerful)SCSimplified Chinese 强壮的 qiáng zhuàng de TCTraditional Chinese 強壯的   SCSimplified Chinese 壮实的 qiáng zhuàng de ,zhuàng shí de   SCSimplified Chinese 壮实的 qiáng zhuàng de ,zhuàng shí de  Arnold is a strong man.  阿诺德长得很壮。 strong adj (solid)SCSimplified Chinese 坚固的 jiān gù de TCTraditional Chinese 堅固的   SCSimplified Chinese 牢固的 jiān gù de ,láo gù de   SCSimplified Chinese 牢固的 jiān gù de ,láo gù de  The table has a strong construction.  这桌子结构很牢固。 strong adj (of the senses: intensity) (味道、气味等)SCSimplified Chinese 浓烈的,浓重的 nóng liè de ,nóng zhòng de TCTraditional Chinese 濃的  That food has a strong odour.  那种食品味道很重。 strong adj (healthy)SCSimplified Chinese 健壮的 jiàn zhuàng de TCTraditional Chinese 健壯的   SCSimplified Chinese 健康的 jiàn zhuàng de ,jiàn kāng de  I have a strong immune system.  我的免疫系统很健康。 strong adj (mentally powerful) (智商等)SCSimplified Chinese 极强的,极高的 jí qiáng de,jí gāo de  Lily possesses a strong intellect.  莉莉有着极高的智商。 strong adj (persuasive)SCSimplified Chinese 有说服力的 yǒu shuō fú lì de   SCSimplified Chinese 令人信服的 yǒu shuō fú lì de ,lìng rén xìn fú de   SCSimplified Chinese 强有力的 yǒu shuō fú lì de ,qiáng yǒu lì de  You have a strong argument.  你很有说服力。 strong adj (convincing)SCSimplified Chinese 令人信服的 lìng rén xìn fú de   SCSimplified Chinese 有说服力的 lìng rén xìn fú de ,yǒu shuō fú lì de  The actor gave a strong performance.  演员演技精湛,表演令人信服。 strong adj (resolute)SCSimplified Chinese 坚决的 jiān jué de TCTraditional Chinese 堅決的   SCSimplified Chinese 不动摇的 jiān jué de ,bú dòng yáo de TCTraditional Chinese 不動搖的  Kim has a strong will.  金姆有着坚决的意志。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 strong adj (grammar: verbs) (指动词)SCSimplified Chinese 不规则变化的,强变格的 bù guī zé biàn huà de,qiáng biàn gé de TCTraditional Chinese 強變格的  Swim is a strong verb.  “Swim”是一个不规则变化动词。 strong adj (grammar: nouns) (指名词)SCSimplified Chinese 强变格的 qiáng biàn gé de TCTraditional Chinese 強變格的  In German, strong nouns do not end in -n.  德语中,强变格的名词不会以“n”结尾。 strong adj (competent)SCSimplified Chinese 擅长的 shàn cháng de TCTraditional Chinese 擅長的   SCSimplified Chinese 能胜任的 shàn cháng de ,néng shèng rèn de TCTraditional Chinese 能勝任的  Lance is a strong defender.  兰斯很擅长担任后卫。 strong adj (accent) (口音)SCSimplified Chinese 浓重的,明显的 nóng zhòng de ,míng xiǎn de TCTraditional Chinese 濃的,明顯的  The taxi driver has a strong accent.  那个出租车司机有着浓重的口音。 strong adj (language) (指言辞)SCSimplified Chinese 激烈的,骂人的 jī liè de ,mà rén de TCTraditional Chinese 激烈的  This movie contains strong language.  这部电影包含激烈的台词。 strong adj (resemblance)SCSimplified Chinese 特别相似的 tè bié xiāng shì de   SCSimplified Chinese 极其相像的 tè bié xiāng shì de,jí qí xiāng xiàng de  Sarah bears a strong resemblance to her cousin.  萨拉和她的表妹长得极其相像。 strong adj (containing much alcohol)SCSimplified Chinese 烈性的 liè xìng de   SCSimplified Chinese 酒精浓度高的 liè xìng de ,jiǔ jīng nóng dù gāo de  This is a strong cocktail.  这是一种烈性的鸡尾酒。 strong adj (markets: steady)SCSimplified Chinese 上涨的,上升的 shàng zhǎng de ,shàng shēng de TCTraditional Chinese 上漲的   SCSimplified Chinese 稳健的 wěn jiàn de  The markets had a strong week.  市场这一周表现稳健。 strong adj (optics: great magnification) (光学术语)SCSimplified Chinese 放大率大的 fàng dà lǜ dà de  You have strong glasses.  你的镜片放大率很大。 strong, -strong adj (in number)SCSimplified Chinese 多达…的,有…的  The crowd was 1000-strong. There was a 100-strong turnout of volunteers for the beach cleanup.  该人群有多达1000人。// 有100名自愿者参加到海滩清理当中。 the strong npl (fittest beings)SCSimplified Chinese 强壮的人, 强壮者  Only the strong survive.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

动词短语英语中文 come on strong vi phrasal + adv (be forceful)SCSimplified Chinese 表现得太强硬  I don't like it when salespeople come on strong.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

复合形式:英语中文 have a strong effect v expr (make a big impact)SCSimplified Chinese 产生强烈效果或影响 chǎn shēng qiáng liè xiào guǒ huò yǐng xiǎng  Bright colors have a strong effect on mood. smell strong vi + adj (have a powerful scent)SCSimplified Chinese 闻起来味道很大 wén qǐ lái wèi dào hěn dà   SCSimplified Chinese 气味很浓 wén qǐ lái wèi dào hěn dà,qì wèi hěn nóng   SCSimplified Chinese 有强烈的气味 wén qǐ lái wèi dào hěn dà,yǒu qiáng liè de qì wèi  Wow, that whisky smells strong! strong features npl (prominent facial characteristics)SCSimplified Chinese 明显面部特征 strong man n (man: physically strong)SCSimplified Chinese 强壮的男人 qiáng zhuàng de nán rén   SCSimplified Chinese 壮汉 qiáng zhuàng de nán rén,zhuàng hàn  In times of war, a nation will often back a strongman, believing that the "tough guy" can help see them through. strong man, strongman n (male physical performer)SCSimplified Chinese 大力士 dà lì shì strong opinion n (firmly-held belief)SCSimplified Chinese 强烈意见,坚定的观点 strong point n ([sb]'s best quality or feature)SCSimplified Chinese 长处 cháng chù TCTraditional Chinese 長處   SCSimplified Chinese 优点 cháng chù ,yōu diǎn TCTraditional Chinese 優點 strong suit n figurative ([sb]'s talent, strong point)SCSimplified Chinese 强项 qiáng xiàng   SCSimplified Chinese 专长 qiáng xiàng,zhuān cháng TCTraditional Chinese 專長 strong suit n (card game suit)SCSimplified Chinese 同样花式的一组牌 strong-arm [sb]⇒ vtr (show aggression)SCSimplified Chinese 对…用暴力   SCSimplified Chinese 以暴力强制 strong-arm adj (forceful)SCSimplified Chinese 强制的 qiáng zhì de   SCSimplified Chinese 用暴力的 strong-arm tactics npl figurative (threats, violence)SCSimplified Chinese 强制手段 qiáng zhì shǒu duàn  He used strong-arm tactics to undermine his rival's confidence. strong-minded adj (determined, willful)SCSimplified Chinese 坚定的, 意志坚强的  It's difficult to argue with my strong-minded parents. strong-mindedness n (strong-willed, determined)SCSimplified Chinese 意志坚定 strong-willed adj (determined, stubborn)SCSimplified Chinese 意志坚强的   SCSimplified Chinese 固执的,固执己见的 gù zhí de ,gù zhí jǐ jiàn de TCTraditional Chinese 固執的  You're wasting your time arguing with her: she's more strong-willed than you.  和她争执纯属浪费时间,她可比你固执多了。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: strong [strɔŋ] I adj 1 [+ person, arms, grip] 有力的 yǒulì de 2 (=healthy) 强(強)健的 qiángjiàn de He was very strong when he was young.他年轻(輕)时(時)身体(體)很强(強)壮(壯)。 Tā niánqīng shí shēntǐ hěn qiángzhuàng. Next week you may travel, when you are a little stronger. 下星期你身体稍稍好一些就可以出去旅行了。 Xià xīngqī nǐ shēntǐ shāoshāo hǎo yīxiē jiù kěyǐ chūqù lǚxíng le.3 [+ object, material] 牢固的 láogù de 4 [+ wind, current] 强(強)劲(勁)的 qiángjìng de 5 [+ drug] 强(強)劲(勁)的 qiángjìng de [+ alcoholic drink] 烈性的 lièxìng de [+ chemical, non-alcoholic drink] 浓(濃)的 nóng de 6 [+ impression, influence] 感染力强(強)的 gǎnrǎnlì qiáng de 7 [+ opinion, view, supporter] 坚(堅)定的 jiāndìng de 8 [+ smell, taste, flavour] 浓(濃)郁(鬱)的 nóngyù de 9 [+ protest, measures] 激烈的 jīliè de 10 [+ personality] 强(強)的 qiáng de 11 [+ desire, reaction] 强(強)烈的 qíngliè de 12 (=likely to succeed) 强(強)有力的 qiángyǒulì de She is a strong contender for the team.她是入选(選)队(隊)伍强(強)有力的竞(競)争(爭)者。 Tā shì rùxuǎn duìwǔ qiángyǒulì de jìngzhēngzhě. II adv ▶ to be going strong [place, activity] 状(狀)态(態)良好 zhuàngtài liánghǎo [person] 身体(體)硬朗 shēntǐ yìnglǎng strong language 激烈的措辞(辭) jīliè de cuòcí his/her strong point(s) 他/她的长(長)处(處) tā/tā de chángchu they were 50 strong他们(們)多达(達)50人 tāmen duōdá wǔshí rén 在这些条目还发现'strong': 在英文解释里: alpha female - Amazon - amazonian - anchored - aniseed - assertive - assurance - aversion - barbecue - bear up - behest - bibliomania - big mood - black hole - bold - broad - broad-chested - broadside - bull - buoyant - burly - butch - carbon fiber - cast iron - cast-iron alibi - chest - color contrast - concentrated - declare war - determined - distilled spirits - duct tape - easy - emphasis - erotomania - fierce - fighting fit - firestorm - firm - force of nature - forceful - forte - gale - get emotional - giant killer - go to hell - good old boy - great satisfaction - harsh words - hatefulness 中文: 坚强 - 壮 - 强 - 彪 - 牢 - 魁 - 优点 - 健 - 固 - 坚实 - 大敌 - 大风 - 强国 - 强壮 - 强弱 - 强电 - 强酸 - 挚爱 - 浓厚 - 牢固 - 特长 - 瘾 - 癖 - 矫 - 粗壮 - 结实 - 茁壮 - 长处 - 驹 在单词列表中: Top 2000 English words, PET Vocabulary List - S, 更多……同义词: robust, sturdy, firm, muscular, muscly, 更多……习惯性搭配: only the strong will survive, [very, incredibly, superhumanly] strong, [strictly, only] for the strong of stomach, 更多……

标题中含有单词 'strong' 的论坛讨论:

A strong Life is the hardest to live How do you drink your tea (or coffee)? Do you like it weak or strong? strong (or advanced) players Strong suggestions......Neutral suggestions There is a strong case for We can use "can’t you" to make a strong suggestion. It can sound very direct when it is addressed to someone who is present What does not destroy me makes me strong You never know how strong you are "... and suddenly had this strong urge to sack out" - English Only forum ...attaining/achieving a strong foundation in English. - English Only forum not strong wishing equal to - English Only forum ...may not be as strong (as) if a.... - English Only forum ...she is strong. - English Only forum 'to pound' and 'to beat with a strong and quick rhythm' - English Only forum () Strong phrenological developments of the organ of firmness~ - English Only forum 1.3 billion-strong country - English Only forum 170 million strong - English Only forum 87 strong or 87 kilograms stong? - English Only forum a 15-strong group? - English Only forum A chain is only as strong as its weakest link - English Only forum a country has strong party discipline - English Only forum A drink that is drunk with strong alcohol - English Only forum a few others which represent at least a strong - English Only forum a heavy/strong snowstorm? - English Only forum a hundred strong - English Only forum A strong - English Only forum a strong appeal with/to - English Only forum A strong aroma of freshness - English Only forum A strong attraction or a strong feeling of attraction - English Only forum A strong case can be made - English Only forum 更多……访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 English Only论坛里有关'strong'的讨论 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "strong" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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